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Q: Does a line always mean a straight line in geometry?
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What does perpendicular mean geometry?

It is a straight line that intersects another straight at 90 degrees.

Description of the three undefined terms in geometry?

POINT- it has no lenght, no width and no thickness LINE- it has a lenght but no width and thickness. A line in geometry will always mean a straight line, which extends indifinitely in two opposites directions.. PLANE- it is a flat surface in which any two points are joined by a straight line lying entirely on the surface..

What does it mean for two points to be collinear?

"Collinear" means "on the same straight line".Two points are always collinear, because you can always draw a straight linebetween any two points. Three points may or may not be collinear.

What is non intersecting for geometry?

In the context of Euclidean straight lines it would mean parallel lines. In the context of a curve and a line (or another curve) it would mean the line and the curve do not meet at any point, but not a lot more can be deduced about them.

What does ray mean in science?

In science, a ray is a straight line in space that originates from a point and extends infinitely in one direction. Rays are used in optics, geometry, and physics to describe the path of light or other particles.

What is mean by motion in a straight line?

The trajectory of the motion is a straight line.

What does line mean in 6th grade geometry?

Hopefully the same thing it means in most other grades of geometry, which is a straight one dimensional object that is infinitely long. It differs from a ray, which has a finite point and extends infinitely from that point in a single direction, and a line segment, which has two finite ends.

In Geometry what does geodesic mean?

Geodesic means the science of measuring the size and shape of the Earth. A geodesics are straight line on a plane or a great circle arcs on a sphere, pertaining geodesy.

Which is longer a straight line or a diagonal line?

The diagonal line of a rectangle for example is greater than its length.

What do the words line segment mean in geometry?

A line segment is a line that has given boundries, while a line goes on forever.

What does midpoint mean in geometry?

A line segment with end points has a midpoint which is in the middle of it.

What does straight mean in mathematical terms?

By definition, a straight line is the set of all points between and extending beyond two points. In most geometries, a line is a primitive object that does not have formal properties beyond length, its single dimension. The two properties of straight lines in Euclidean geometry are that they have only one dimension, length, and they extend in two directions forever.