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Q: Does a mirror have more than one lens?
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Which organisms have more than one lens their eyes?

which organisms have more than one lens in their eyes ?

Can a converging lens have more than one focus?

No, a converging lens can have only one focus. The focus is the point where parallel rays of light converge after passing through the lens, and this is a unique property of the lens.

What do you call a microscope that has more than one lens?

A microscope that has more than one lens is called a compound microscope. It uses multiple lenses to magnify the image of the specimen being observed.

Why has a lens two focal points but a mirror only one?

because visible light is only emitted from one side of a mirror.

An object seen close up through a convex lens looks than it really is?

An object seen close up through a convex lens looks larger than it really is due to the lens bending the light rays in a way that converges them toward a focal point, creating a magnified image.

What is the advantage of using a concave mirror in the place of convex lens as objective in a telescope?

Using a concave mirror as the objective in a telescope offers several advantages over a convex lens. First, it eliminates chromatic aberration, which is the distortion of colors in an image caused by a lens. Second, it allows for a wider field of view. Lastly, it is easier to manufacture large mirrors compared to large lenses, making it more practical for telescopes with larger apertures.

what do you call a microscope with more than one lens?

Compound microscope.

Microscope having more than one lens?

A microscope with more than one lens is known as a compound microscope. It typically consists of an eyepiece lens and objective lenses. The combination of these lenses allows for higher magnification and resolution compared to a simple microscope with just one lens.

What uses two lens and mirror?

Reflecting TelescopeA reflecting telescope uses a lens and two mirrors. The lens is positioned at the eyepiece, and thus the focus, which the two mirrors generated by specifically redirected light. There are two types of reflecting telescopes with one lens and two mirrors, the Newtonian Focus and the Cassegrain Focus.

What does the light gathering ability of a telescope depend on?

A refracting telescope is a type of optical telescope. It was used in astronomical telescopes and spy glasses. Objective lens are used to produce the image.

Is it ok to put a toy mirror in a parakeet's cage?

if you have more than one

What is An advantage of a compound light microscope over a single lens microscope?

A compound light microscope is able to provide more clarity and detail than a single lens microscope, which is its advantage. Compound refers to the microscope having more than one lens.