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Yes. If the fraction is the same, the negative slope would have at least one negative number, while the positive would have both positive numbers. I'm pretty sure. :)

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Q: Does a negative line have a different slope than a positive one?
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Related questions

Is a slope of a line always positive?

No because the slope of a line can be positive or negative

What are the different ways of the slope of a line?

'uphill' it is positive 'downhill' it is negative

Is the inverse of a line with positive slope a line with negative slope?


What is a line wxtending from the upper lift to the lower right has this type of slope?

The line has a negative slope (or negative gradient).When the angle between the line and the positive direction of Ox is obtuse then the slope is negative. Conversely, when the angle is acute, the slope is positive.

How do you know when the slope of a line is negative?

You know when the slope of a line is negative when m in the slope-intercept form equation y=mx+b is negative. For example, y=-3x+2 has a negative slope since m (which is -3 in this case) is negative. This is the same when finding a positive slope, because if m is positive, then the slope is positive.

What does it mean for a line to have a negative slope?

If a line has a negative slope it is going 'down hill' and if it has a positive slope it is going 'up hill'

What will happen to the slope of a line if the line is shifted so that the y intercept increases and the x intercept remains the same?

The answer depends on the signs of the original intercepts.x negative, y negative: negative slope becomes less negative and could go positive.x negative, y positive: positive slope becomes greater.x positive, y negative: positive slope becomes less positive and could go negative.x positive, y positive: negative slope becomes more negative.For 1 and 3, the slope changes sign when the y intercept crosses the origin.

Define the 4 types of slopes?

Positive slope: The line rises from left to right. Negative slope: The line falls from left to right. Zero slope: The line is horizontal. Undefined slope: The line is vertical.

Does Does a steep line have a negative slope?

This is unrelated. A steep line has a LARGE slope. The slope is positive if the line goes up from left to right; negative if it goes down from left to right.

Does a steep line have a negative slope?

Yes, a steep line typically has a negative slope. The slope of a line represents the rate at which the line is increasing or decreasing. In the case of a steep line that is sloping downwards from left to right, the slope is considered negative.

In eighth grade math how do you determine the scope of line as positive negative zero or undefined?

Assuming you mean the slope of a line, not the scope, the slope of a line is determined by its rise over its run. Take 2 points on the line (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and find the slope by plugging it into this equation: (x1-x2)/(y1-y2). If the answer is positive, the slope is positive, if the answer is negative, the slope is negative, if the answer is zero, the slope is zero, and if the answer is undefined (i.e. dividing by zero), your slope is undeifined.

A straight line on a graph means there is a what relationship?

A direct relationship if the slope of the line is positive. An inverse relationship if the slope of the line is negative.