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Q: Does a rectangle have 1 set of 4 equal angles?
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Does a rectangle have 1 equal angle?

they have 4, all the angles are 90 degrees

What is a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of equal sides and 4 right angles?

a rectangle. It wouldn't be a square because that has 1 pair of 4 equal side but a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides and 4 right angles.

What polygon has 4 sides 2 right angles and 1 set of parallel lines?

It would be a rectangle.

What is the area of a rectangle if all the angles equal 90 degrees?

Firstly, if all the angles are not 90 degrees it isn't a rectangle - with 4 sides it is a quadrilateral. So there is no "if". Area of a rectangle = length of 1 side multiplied by the length of an adjacent (touching) side.

When is a paralellogram a revtangle?

A parallelogram is a rectangle when all of its angles are right angles (90 degrees). In other words, if the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal in length and all angles measure 90 degrees, it is a rectangle.

What is 1 propertie of a rectangle?

One property of a rectangle is that all angles of the figure are right angles.

If angle 1 is a right angle then 2 3 and 4 are also right angles what is this called?

A figure with four right angles is called a rectangle. A specific type of rectangle in which all the sides are of equal length is called a square.

What is the difference between rectangle and parallelogram?

The difference is: 1) the rectangle has all right angles 2)a parallelogram has acute and obtuse angles but not a rectangle

Is a rhombus and rectangle the same?

No,because 1.rhombus has got four sides equal in length and opposite sides are parallel while in rectangle the four sides need not be of equal 2.And the main difference is rhombus has no right angles.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

A rectangle must have two (2) pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only needs one (1). A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, and a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of opposite parallel sides.

What shape has 4 right angles nd 2 lines of symmetry?

Any rectangle with a ratio not equal to 1 (in other words, not a square).

What are two attributes of rectangle?

Opposite sides are of equal length and parallel. The four angles are all right-angles (90 degrees( .