Most have one that is partially divided into two sub-chambers. This division can also be considered to be two ventricles. Crocodiles have a two ventricles that are completely divided from each other.
An hexagon has 6 vertices
2+2+2+2+2+2+2+1 or 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
2-1-2-1-2-1 1-2-1-2-1 -1-1-2-1 -2-2-1 -4-1 -5 Answer=-5
the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles
Any number raised to the zero power is equal to one. consider following: 2 ^ 2=4 2 ^ 1=2 2 ^ (2-1)= (2 ^ 2)/(2^1)=4/2=2 Similarly: 2^(1-1) = (2^1)/(2^1)=2/2=1
In most reptiles there are 2 atriums and 1 ventricle, it also has 3 heart chambers
One key difference is that mammal hearts have four chambers (two atria and two ventricles) while reptile hearts typically have three chambers (two atria and one ventricle). Mammals have a double circulatory system (systemic and pulmonary circulation) while reptiles have a single circulatory system.
1~weird 2~ugly
ventricals are in the heart
The human heart.
There are many reasons 1) it layed Eggs 2) it lived in the ocean Pretty much everything else was a reptile at the time it was around
(1) reptile , (2) cold blooded (3) carnavore
THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN A REPTILE AND A MAMMAL =) 1. live in land (some) 2.breathe through lungs 3.internal fertilization
4 chambers It has 2 auricles and 2 ventricles.
The word reptile has two syllables. The syllables of the word are rep-tile.
There are actually 2 ventricles in the heart. The right and left ventricles. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs to get oxygen and the left ventricle pumps already oxygenated blood throughout the body. -Anonymous