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The time of swing of a pendulum is T = 2π √ (l/g) where l is the length of the pendulum.

As T ∝√l (Time is directly proportional to the square root of l) then, the longer the pendulum, the greater is the period. Therefore longer pendulums have longer periods than shorter pendulums.

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Q: Does a short or a long pendulum have a longer period?
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Why do people with long legs generally walk with a slower stride than people with short legs?

Natural period of a long pendulum is slower than for a short pendulum.

How does the length of a string affect the time taken to swing a pendulum?

The length of a pendulum affects its period of oscillation, which is the time it takes for one complete swing. A longer pendulum will have a longer period, meaning it will take more time to complete one swing compared to a shorter pendulum, which has a shorter period and completes swings more quickly.

What is the relationship between gravity and the length of pendulum?

The period of a pendulum (time for one complete swing) is influenced by the gravitational acceleration. A longer pendulum will have a longer period, as it takes more time for a longer pendulum to complete a swing due to the pull of gravity. This relationship is described by the formula: period = 2π√(length/gravity).

What is the period of a 0.85m long pendulum?

The period of a pendulum can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(l/g), where T is the period in seconds, l is the length of the pendulum in meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2). Substituting the values, the period of a 0.85m long pendulum is approximately 2.43 seconds.

What is the relationship between the length of the string of a pendulum and the number of swings?

There's no relationship between the length of the pendulum and the number of swings.However, a shorter pendulum has a shorter period, i.e. the swings come more often.So a short pendulum has more swings than a long pendulum has in the same amountof time.

What happens to the period of a pendulum when the mass is doubled?

The period of a pendulum is not affected by changes in its mass as long as the length and gravitational acceleration remain constant. Therefore, doubling the mass of a pendulum will not change its period.

What property of a pendulum does not affect its period?

The mass of the pendulum does not affect its period. The period of a pendulum is only affected by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.

What is the length of a pendulum whose period on the moon matches the period of a 1.94-m-long pendulum on the earth?

Nice problem! I get 32.1 centimeters.

What happen to the time period of pendulum if the mass of bob is changed?

The period of a pendulum is not affected by the mass of the bob. The period is determined by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. Changing the mass of the bob will not alter the time period of the pendulum's swing.

Does the force gravity speed up the period of a pendulum?

No, the force of gravity does not affect the period of a pendulum. The period of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. Changing the force of gravity would not change the period as long as the length of the pendulum remains constant.

What makes a pendulm swing fast or slow?

The speed of a pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum arm and the force applied to set it in motion. A shorter pendulum will swing faster, while a longer pendulum will swing slower. Additionally, factors such as air resistance and friction can also affect the speed of a pendulum swing.

If the mass of bob of a simple pendulum is doubled its time period is what?

The time period of a simple pendulum is not affected by the mass of the bob, as long as the amplitude of the swing remains small. So, doubling the mass of the bob will not change the time period of the pendulum.