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Q: Does a square a regular hexagon have rotational geometry?
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Does a hexagon have rotational symmetry?

Yes. Any even sided figure will have a rotational symmetry. Yes. If it is a regular shape such as a square, hexagon or octagon (equilateral and equiangular) then the rotational symmetry is the same as the number of sides. Rotational symmetry is basically if the shape is rotated, is it exactly the same as it was before. A hexagon can be rotated 6 times and still be the same without actually being in the the same postition, so a hexagon has a rotational symmetry of 6.

Is ht of hexogon2ht of square?

Not if the hexagon is a regular hexagon with sides of the same length as the sides of the square.

Can a regular hexagon be tessellated?

Yes. A regular tessellation can be created from either an equilateral triangle, a square, or a hexagon.

Name any two figures that have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry?

A square, hexagon

Which shapes and letters have rotational symmetry?

H, I, O, S, X, Z. l as for the shapes circle, square, rectangle, equilateral triangle, any regular polygon (pentagon, hexagon...)

Which regular polygons will tesselate?

Triangle, square, hexagon.

How are a square and a regular hexagon different?

A square has 4 equal sides whereas a regular hexagon has 6 equal sides

What are the 3 regular polygons that tessellate?

square, equillateral triangle, & regular hexagon

What is the area of a regular hexagon with 24 inch perimeter?

The area of a regular hexagon with a 24-inch perimeter is about 41.57 square inches.

There are only 3 regular polygons which can make a regular tessellation?

Triangle, square, hexagon.

What can be used to create a regular tessellation?

Regular Hexagon, Square, and Equilateral Triangle. (Apex)

Which can be used to create a regular tessellation?

regular hexagon, square, equilateral triangle...apex