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Q: Does a tens machine help bursitis?
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Will a tens machine help with arthritis pain?

it is unlikely as tens machines stimulate muscles and arthritis is not a muscular condition.

Does transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation help with bursitis?


Will sports physio help hip bursitis?

little bit

What are the most common sites for bursitis to occur?

Shoulders, knees, and elbows (: glad to help!

What is the common name of sub patellar bursitis?

The common name for sub patellar bursitis is "knee bursitis."

What precautions should a recovering bursitis patient take in selecting shoewear?

Not wearing high heels can help prevent bursitis in the heel, as can changing to new running shoes as soon as the old ones are worn out.

Is tennis elbow an example of bursitis?

No its not. It is two different conditions. Bursitis is the swelling of a bursa sac and tennis elbow is tears in tendons in the arm near the elbow. The sources and related links can help you further.

Will Prednisone help bursitis in the shoulder?

Yes. I had this problem about 3 years ago. Had MRI and showed to be bursitis of shoulder. My dr. prescribed a dose pack and it worked. Haven't had any problems until this week.

What does the TENS in the word TENS Machine stand for?

The TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is used as a therapeutic for symptoms of pain and discomfort arising from various conditions.

Where can you find information on bursitis?

"Bursitis." 1998.

In what regions of the body does bursitis occur?

Bursitis can occur in various regions of the body where there are bursae, which are small fluid-filled sacs that help reduce friction between bones and soft tissues. Common sites for bursitis include the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.

What is the best exercise for trochanteric bursitis to help alleviate pain and improve mobility?

The best exercise for trochanteric bursitis is gentle stretching and strengthening exercises for the hip and glute muscles. These exercises can help alleviate pain and improve mobility by reducing inflammation and increasing stability in the affected area.