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Q: Does a zero matter before the decimal point?
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Why do you write 0 before the decimal point?

That is a convention. In some countries it is customary to include the zero before the decimal point, in others it isn't.That is a convention. In some countries it is customary to include the zero before the decimal point, in others it isn't.That is a convention. In some countries it is customary to include the zero before the decimal point, in others it isn't.That is a convention. In some countries it is customary to include the zero before the decimal point, in others it isn't.

Is 3 the same as 03.00?

Yes. No matter how many zero's you put after the decimal point, it doesn't matter.

Is decimal point zero four equal to decimal point four zero?

Decimal point zero four is not equal to decimal point four zero..04 = 4/100.40 = 4/10thus, .04 < .40

What is the 1st significant number in a decimal?

It is the first non-zero digit, starting from the left. It can be before or after the decimal point.

In the number 125 which number represent the tenths?

No matter the number, the tenths place is the first to the right of the decimal point. In numbers with no decimal point, the tenths place is zero.

Why do you need to insert zero before a fraction when typing one?

If you did not, then the number would start wit a decimal point and it is more easy to not notice the decimal point.

How do you write three hundred point zero four six in decimal?

Three hundred point zero four six in decimal is 300.046 in decimal.

How many significant figures does 0.50 have?

0.50 has two significant figures, the 5 and the trailing 0 after the decimal point. The leading zero before the decimal point is not significant.

How do you write 4 thousandths as a decimal?

You write it as 0.004 because to the left of the decimal point is ones, to the first zero to the right of the decimal point is tenths, to the second zero to the right of the decimal point is hundredths, and so on.

What would we do without decimal?

If a number has no decimal you can add a point zero zero at the end of that number.

How do you write 7 tenth plus six thousandth as a decimal?

0.706 Explanation: Professionally, if there is no whole number in the decimal, a zero goes in before the decimal point. Then after the decimal point is the tenths space, then the hundredths, then the thousandths, etc. etc.

When is a zero significant to a value?

1. When it is before the decimal point, and has at least one non-zero digit before it. 2. When the zero is after a decimal point, but has at least one non-zero digit after it. 3.1 is three and one tenth ; 3.01 is three and one hundredth. 3. If the person writing the value is an engineer or scientist who knows what he is doing, a zero after the decimal point but with no non-zero digits after it is significant. e.g. 142 signifies a value between 141.5 and 142.5 142.00 signifies between 141.995 and 142.005. 4. A number like 0.7 means the same as .7 but 0.7 attracts the eye to the point. 5.When it precedes a non-zero digit, but falls after a decimal point, as in 0.0004