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Some crystals have 6 sides while others have 4. Some of the four sided are rhombuses

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Q: Does all crystals have eight square sides?
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Two of your faces have eight equal sides in all and your other four faces are rectangles what are you?

a hexahedron with four rectangular sides and two square ends.

Does a rectangle have all the same attributes as a square?

No. All of a square's sides are the same size.

What are the pairs of congruent sides for a square?

All sides of a square are congruent.

How many pairs of perpendicular sides does a square have when all sides of the square are equal length and all corners are right angles?

A square has four perpendicular sides.

Which shapes has four sides and four corners and all four sides are equal?

It is a square as square has 4 sides and all of them are equal. Also it has 4 corners.

Why can a square be classified as quadrillateral a parallelogram rhombus and rectangle?

Yes. It is all of them: A Quadrilateral has 4 sides; a square has four sides, therefore it is a quadrilateral. A Parallelogram has two pairs of opposite sides parallel; the opposite sides of a square are parallel, therefore it is a parallelogram. A Rhombus has two pairs of opposite sides parallel AND all sides of equal length; the opposites sides of a square are parallel AND all sides are the same length, therefore it is a rhombus. A rectangle has four sides AND all angles 90o; a square has four sides AND all angles are 90o, therefore a square is a rectangle.

Why a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can never be a square?

A square can be a rectangle because a rectangle just has to have four sides and they all have to have right angles, which a square does. But a rectangle can never be a square because a square HAS to have ALL EVEN sides with all right angles. A rectangle possibly could not have all even sides.

Does a square have opposite sides equal?

Yes it does - ALL four sides are equal in a square.

Has a square got four sides?

yes, a square does have four sides, and they are all equal.

What polyhedron has eight sides all of the faces are equilateral triangles and all of the faces are the same?

What polyhedron has eight sides and all of the are equilateral triangle?

What is the difference between a rectangle and a square?

In a square, the sides are all the same length.

Write as many statements as you can about a square?

A square has four sides. The sides of a square are all equal in length. A square has four corners.