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you see, it goes where ever you want it to go!

They go on both ankles, you have two after all.

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Q: Does an anklet go on the left or right leg?
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Which leg is your anklet supposed to go on?

Which ever it feels comfortable on I suppose... Either is fine, I wear then around both ankles.

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im not sure if this is completely correct but in football we have the karaoke exercise. (to the right) heading in a sideways direction put your right leg out and then follow with your left leg BEHIND the start leg and the put your right leg back out front then follow with your left but this time go INFRONT of your start leg. then just keep alternating and swingin your hips with the movement. i hope this made sense

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What do you say to make a horse go left?

I don't quite understand your wording... But, guessing that we are talking about turning horses, to turn a horse you can use your reins and legs. With your reins: if you want to turn left, you take the left rein and pull it left. You can reinforce it with leg aids, by squeezing the opposite leg. For example, if you want to go left, squeeze with your right leg. If you want to go right, squeeze with your left leg. All horses are trained differently, though, so they might have different cues (for example, some respond only to voice). However, in general, this is what you do! :)

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When mounting a horse you put your left foot in the left stirrup and swing your right leg over the cantle and the horse's rump.

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The hooves dont go in pairs, so to speak. It usually goes (depending on the leading leg) the back right, the back left, the front left, then the front right, I think. It creates a rocking motion. In the trot, the horses hooves go in pairs, front right and the back left, and the front left and the back right.

What are some exercises for a toe touch?

First: Sit in a stradle reach for your right foot then left then middle. Hold all those for like 15seconds.Second: Do a right leg pre-stretch an try an go down into a right leg splits. Then do the left leg an then middle.Now do that everyday and you should see your toe touches improving. break your toe.

Can you drive a car with a broken leg?

If your right leg is broken, no. If your left leg is broken, yes. If you don't think you can, go ahead! It's totally worth a shot and all of your friends will think your cool