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No, not at all!

Here are a few examples. I try to keep them simple, to get the point across, but more complicated examples are also possible.

x = 5: If x = 5, the equation is true, else it is false. Exactly one solution.

x = x + 1: Whatever value you put for "x", the right side will be one more than the left side. Zero solutions.

(x-1)(x-2) = 0: When any of the factors is zero, the product is zero. Therefore, x can be 1 or 2. Two solutions.

x(x+2)(x-5)(x-10) = 0: Similar as the previous example, but x can be 0, -2, 5, 10. Four solutions.

x = x: Any value you put for "x", the equation will be true. Infinite solutions - the entire set of real numbers.

sin x = 0: The sine is a periodic function; it has the value 0 for x = 0, pi, 2 x pi, 3 x pi, etc. (this is in radians; equivalent to 0 degrees; 180 degrees; 360 degrees; etc.). Infinite solutions, but only specific points.

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Q: Does an equation always have 1 solution?
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An equation can have zero solutions, one solution, two solutions, or many solutions. A solution is any number that, when replaced into the equation, will give an equality. An example of an equation without a solution is x = x + 1. No matter what number you use for "x", the right part will always be one more than the left part. Therefore, the equation has no solution. (Also, if you subtract "x" from each side, you get the equation 0 = 1, which is obviously false.)

Do equation always sometimes or never has one solution?

an equation ---------- has a soultion? a)always B)sometimes C)never

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included would be the solution...

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not always but most of the time yes

Does an equation always have one solution?

Only a linear equation in one variable x , which is an equation of the form ax + b = 0, (where a is different than 0), has only one solution. The solution is: x = -b/a

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No. That is because 2 - 8x is an algebraic expression, not an equation. And since it is not an equation, it does not have a solution.

What is the word for a number that makes an equation true?

Solution. A solution of an equation is a number that satisfy the equation. This means that if you replace this number on the equation and check it, the equation will be true. When you solve an equation you can find some roots, but not all of them satisfy the equation. Thus always check your answers after resolving your equation, and eliminate as solution the answers that don't make the equation true or undefined.

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The result will always be 1. This is demonstrated with the function f(x)= 1^x IF represented graphically, one would find a linear equation to which the solution is always x=1. So your output is always 1.