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No. The suggestion that it does is absurd.

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Q: Does being good at mathematics make you dumber?
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Does being good at mathematics make you smarter or dumber?

It makes you smarter at mathematics for sure, but you can't tell from just that what your overall level of intelligence is. There is no way being good at mathematics can make you "dumber" at anything unless you also spend so much time on math that your verbal and social skills are neglected.

Can music make you dumber?

No, music can not make a person to be dumber. Music helps relax people.

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No, It doesnt make you dumber, it is used, incases if you need to cook a meal in a hurry.

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Yes, in 2014, titled Dumb and Dumber To

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Not really.

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Hopefully they are done with Scary Movie 4 because they are just getting dumber and dumber

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It could make you smarter, make you dumber. Almost anything.

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Well sometimes they can have these effects... ...

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Based on your grammar, YES.

Why is it that some people who are not good at mathematics are good at programming in terms of writing code?

High-level programming languages separate the programmer from the machine to such a degree that it is not necessary to understand how binary computers work in order to program them, thus the need to be good at mathematics is greatly reduced. This makes it possible to write good code with just an elementary understanding of mathematics. However, writing efficient code is another matter altogether. Being able to bash out quick and dirty solutions does not a good programmer make.

What country is the best in mathematics?

There is no single country which is best in mathematics. Some countries are good at training their children to be good at arithmetical processing: that is, good at mental maths. But that does not necessarily make them any good at solving any of the great problems in mathematics. Other countries are not so good training the general population but those who are mathematically gifted are encouraged reach their potential. And then, there are countries (the UK, for example) where being poor at maths is considered a badge of honour! But even these countries manage to churn out ground-breaking mathematicians.