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If you have a confirmed pregnancy & was bleeding clots then this can indicate a miscarriage but you need to see your Docctor to confirm this with him. However if you was not pregnant but experienced clots during your period for the first time, then this is not caused by a miscarriage. Clots during a period is perfectly normal & may occur every period or only once a year. Its different in each Woman.

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Q: Does bleeding clots only one time indicate a miscarriage?
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What are the classic signs of a miscarriage?

Early miscarriage symptoms may include low back pain, abdominal pain and cramping, or passing of fluid and bleeding. Spotting and bleeding is a normal occurrence for some women during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a woman who has bleeding should check with her doctor immediately to make sure everything is ok especially when coupled with pain and cramping. Normally the term miscarriage is only used when there is a spontaneous abortion before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Possible signs of miscarriage may be related to infection, hormonal factors, health problems with the mother, or caused by an immune system response. Spontaneous miscarriages usually occur because there are genetic or other serious problems with the unborn baby.

Heavy blood clots and bleeding for several weeks with clots the size of a persons liver what causes it and can it be fatal?

Whenever you have a case of prolonged vaginal bleeding it is important to seek medical attention. What you have described could be a symptom of several conditions. You could be experiencing breakthrough bleeding caused by an imbalance in hormones (this usually only happens when you're using certain forms of hormonal birtcontrol), the bleeding can vary from just spotting to heavy bleeding but usually stops in a few weeks and is very little to worry about. I see that you categorized this question as one pertaining to miscarriage. It is possible that you're miscarrying. When a miscarriage occurs the body has to eliminate all the tissue associated with the pregnancy (which could possibly be what you described as large blood clots). With a miscarriage you may also notice grayish tissue being passed as well, this is fetal tissue (what would have been the baby), however this is not seen in all miscarriages, it all depends on how far along the pregnancy was when the miscarriage occurs. Bleeding associated with a miscarriage generally only lasts for about 2 weeks and will vary from heavy to very light, the heavy bleeding will usually be accompanied by intense cramping. Whatever it is, passing large blood clots is something to worry about. This could be a sign of ovarian cysts cancer, and various other infections of the uterus. I would not say that you are necessarily in danger of dying, but please, seek medical attention as soon as possible. As I stated before, any time you have a case of prolonged vaginal bleeding, especially if you're experiencing any pain or discomfort, you should always talk to a doctor. Bleeding for that long is not natural and unusually is a sign that there is something wrong.

3 days of heavy bleeding a week before your period is it a miscarriage?

only if ur preggers

You had a day of bleeding now its turned brown you have no cramping is it a sign of miscarriage?

Brown is just old blood, if it was only slight bleeding and no cramping it was unlikely to be a miscarriage, just what is called a 'threatened' miscarriage. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan just to check all is well.

Is the baby alive if you are eight weeks pregnant and having light bleeding?

It is impossible to say, but bleeding does not always mean that a miscarriage is inevitable. Many women bleed and it eventually settles, while in other cases it does not but increases and becomes accompanied by cramps.

Im 7 weeks pregnant and had some brown discharge then a few hours later some bleeding when i wiped myself is this a miscarriage?

No. Only When You Start Bleeding Real Bad In The Toilet nd Lumps Of Blood Cumin Out

What is incomplete miscarriage?

A situation in which only some of the products in the uterus have been expelled is called an incomplete miscarriage. Pain and bleeding may continue and become severe.

Can you bleed a lot at the start of a miscarriage?

While many women who miscarry will start with only spotting, it is possible that the first sign of miscarriage can be heavy bleeding, possibly with clot or tissue passage.

Im 9 weeks with severe cramping and clots with tissue like material sonograhm showed partial miscairrage how long will the pain and bleeding and bloating continue?

If it has not been determined that your miscarriage has already begun then it could be anywhere from 4-6weeks before the miscarriage begins. Usually once you start to bleed and pass tissue its only around 2 weeks from that point before a first trimester miscarriage is complete. From what you have described it sounds like you've already begun the actual miscarriage process. So take heart, it will be over soon. I'm sorry for your loss.

5 months pregnant you are have Sharp pains but you are not bleeding are you having a miscarriage?

Only your doctor can answer that question.You should call your provider immediately.

At eight weeks I experienced mild cramps but heavy bleeding with clots.Did I have a miscarriage?

Only your doctor after doing an ultrasound can tell for sure.

Is brown bleeding normal in early pregnancy?

It may not be. That was my only symptom and I was having a miscarriage. It can be a very small amount and still be a sign of miscarriage. You should tell your doctor so they can check on the status of the pregnancy.