Yes it does
No it doesn't - breadth is the word which means width in mathematics.
breath is another name for width
It basically means the measure of the size of an object. Such as a shape is measured in length.
Yes it is. It is Length x Width.
The perimeter is the length plus width times 2.
Width does mean side to side.
breath is another name for width
Width is how wide something is, length is how long something is.In maths w*l*h is width times length times height.
It basically means the measure of the size of an object. Such as a shape is measured in length.
Yes it is. It is Length x Width.
The perimeter is the length plus width times 2.
Length times the Width times height
in maths its a sum so 4 x 2 = 8 in measurements it will be length x width or height x base
well, you times (x) the length by the width of the shape kofie2468 :P
Length and breath or length and width.
psh listen its because of the angles shapes length with width and other
Width does mean side to side.
Role of 3 in maths length, breath, height triangle area, perimeter, volume