

What does 4 x 2 mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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in maths its a sum so 4 x 2 = 8 in measurements it will be length x width or height x base

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Q: What does 4 x 2 mean?
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If you mean: 4(2x-2) = 4-4(x-3) then the value of x works out as 2

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If you mean: (x - 2)2 Then it can be expanded to: x2 - 4x + 4 If you mean: (x - 2)2 Then it is the same as: 2(x - 2) and can be expanded to: 2x - 4 If you mean: x(-2)2 Then the terms are all multiplied together (a lack of operator between a term and adjacent parentheses indicates multiplication. i.e. 2(3) is the same as 2 × 3): -4x And finally if you mean: x - (2)2 Then the answer is: x - 4

What is the square root x plus 2 equals square root of x plus 2?

You need to rephrase your question. Do you mean "what is the value of x if...", or do you mean "what is this expression"? If you mean to find the value of x, the answer depends on your phrasing of the question. It reads like this: √x + 2 = √x + 2 which is meaningless. It's the same as saying "x = x". You could however also mean: √(x + 2) = √x + 2 Which is a somewhat more interesting problem. You can solve for x by squaring both sides and reducing to simplest terms: √(x + 2) = √x + 2 x + 2 = x + 4√x + 4 4√x + 2 = 0 √x = -1 / 2 x = ± i / 4

What is x² plus 5x plus 4?

If you mean: x^2 +5x +4 then it is (x+4)(x+1) when factored

What does x with the little 2 mean?

x squared. for example, if you will substitute "4" from "x" then,x=4;x²=4²=16. the small 2 indicates that you will multiply the number by itself.

What is 2 multiplied by itself sixty-four times?

If you mean 2 x 2 (4) x 2 (8) x 2 (16), then it is 18446744073709551616.If you mean 2 x 64 it is 128.

In maths what is a number with a little 4 at the top mean?

This means the number to the power of 4. If the number is 2 and it is to the power of 4 this means: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16

Numbers being multiplied does not matter?

Assuming you mean that the order of multiplying numbers together doesn't matter, then, yes:The commutative property: 2 x 4 = 4 x 2;The associative property: 2 x 3 x 4 = (2 x 3) x 4 = 2 x (3 x 4)

What is the value of x when you have to find the geometric mean of x-3 and x 4 is x?

I will assume that the gap between the X and the 4 is due to this website's inability to include +'s so I will use a +. geometric mean of (x-3) and (x+4) is x x^2=(x-3)(x+4) x^2=x^2+x-12 0=x-12 x=12