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No. It may change its weight if weighed at varying depths.

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Q: Does changing the volume of water change the mass of 1 cm3 of water?
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Does changing the volume of water chang the density?

Density = mass / volume. So if the volume changes, the density will obviously also change.

How can you change density of a substance?

You can change the density of a substance by changing its volume. Density is equivalent to mass over volume. So changing the volume affects density.

Changing the mass or volume of an object changes what?

Changing the mass or volume of an object changes its density. Density is defined as the mass of an object divided by its volume, so if either the mass or volume changes, the density will change accordingly.

How does freezing water affect the volume and mass of water?

The volume increase, mass does not change.

Does changing the mass of water change the mass of 1 cm3 of water?


What is another way to say changing mass and volume?

changing mass and volume

Why does the density of an object have no effect after it is changed?

Changing the density of an object does not affect its mass or volume, so the overall effect on its density remains the same. Density is determined by the mass of an object divided by its volume, so altering one without affecting the other will not change the density.

How could you change the volume of an object without changing the mass?

To change the volume of an object without changing the mass, you could alter its density by changing its component materials. For example, replacing a heavier material with a lighter one or adjusting the shape of the object to increase or decrease the volume while keeping the mass constant. Additionally, you could change the pressure or temperature surrounding the object which may lead to a change in volume without affecting mass.

Why does changing shape of an object dose not change the density?

Density is a property that depends on the mass and volume of the object, not its shape. Changing the shape of an object does not alter the amount of mass or volume it contains, so the density remains the same.

Will changing the volume of a container filled with gas change the mass of the gas?

No, changing the volume of a container filled with gas will not change the mass of the gas. The mass of the gas remains constant unless gas is added or removed from the container. Changes in volume only affect the pressure and density of the gas.

Why does the volume of the water vapor increase and the mass remain constant When 1 gram of water is evaporated?

When 1 gram of water evaporates, its molecules gain energy to escape into the gas phase. The volume of water vapor increases due to the increased kinetic energy of the molecules, causing them to spread out more. However, the total mass remains constant because the number of water molecules in the system remains the same, only their arrangement changes.

How do you change an object's density?

To change an object's density, you can change either its mass or volume. Increasing the mass or decreasing the volume will increase the density, while decreasing the mass or increasing the volume will decrease the density.