Squared means length times width, or X2. Cubed means length times width times height, or X3.
It is: 56*6 = 336 cubic inches
If you mean convert it to cubic inches - multiply it by 1728 (the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot) to get 61022.59 in3
To calculate the capacity (volume) of the tub, you multiply the area by the height. Area is pi x r-squared = 3.1416 x 10-squared = 3.1416 x 100 = 314.16. Volume = 314.16 x 14 = 4398.24 cubic inches. There are 1728 cubic inches per cubic foot, so you divide 4398.24 by 1728 = 2.5452777 cubic feet.
If its base is 50 square inches then 50*12 = 600 cubic inches
You can not equate volumetric measurements with linear measurements. Assuming you mean how many cubic inches in a cubic meter...1 (cubic meter) = 61 023.7441 cubic inches
If you mean square inches, no. A volume can be in CUBIC inches, or some other CUBIC measurement.
inches squared Example: 12in 2
Square inches belong to a measure of an area. Cubic centimeters belong to a measure of a volume. That cannot be converted.
Note: You cannot convert cubic to squared - you convert cubic metric to cubic imperial. 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres, so 1 cubic inch = 2.54 x 2.54 x 2.54 = 16.387064 cubic centimeters. Therefore to convert a number of cubic centimetres into cubic inches you divide it by 16.387064 For example 123 cubic centimetres = 123 ÷ 16.387064 = 7.5 cubic inches, rounded to one decimal place.
It is: 56*6 = 336 cubic inches
If you mean convert it to cubic inches - multiply it by 1728 (the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot) to get 61022.59 in3
To calculate the capacity (volume) of the tub, you multiply the area by the height. Area is pi x r-squared = 3.1416 x 10-squared = 3.1416 x 100 = 314.16. Volume = 314.16 x 14 = 4398.24 cubic inches. There are 1728 cubic inches per cubic foot, so you divide 4398.24 by 1728 = 2.5452777 cubic feet.
engine size = total cubic inches of all cylinders combined 351 cubic inches is same as 5.75 liter engine
If its base is 50 square inches then 50*12 = 600 cubic inches
It would contain about 10895.04 cubic inches, which according to a converter i use assuming you mean united states liquid gallons, is 47.1646 gallons, that is slightly off as there was a decimal to the cubic inches. If you want to do it yourself it is (17/2) squared times pi times 48 to get cubic inches, then find an online website, ect. to convert it to gallons.
It is: pi*2.5 squared*10 = 196.35 cubic inches rounded up to two decimal places
You can not equate volumetric measurements with linear measurements. Assuming you mean how many cubic inches in a cubic meter...1 (cubic meter) = 61 023.7441 cubic inches