

Best Answer
Absolutely Not.

Gravity is NOT a pulling Force. Gravity is a "Pushing" Force of Mass Expansion.

Earth Mass is Expanding at the Gravitational Acceleration rate of 9.808175174 m/s^2

In order to understand you must first accept the Mathematics on EinsteinElectricitydotcom because Math does not lie. Then you can move on to EinsteinGravitydotcom.

Acceleration due to gravity

No. There is a difference between speed (or velocity) and acceleration. They are, of course, related, but acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. When you are sitting in your car at a red light and the light turns green and you step on the gas (or accelerator!), your car accelerates from zero to some final velocity (hopefully not much more than the posted speed limit). Your speedometer clearly shows the change in velocity as the needle moves clockwise. The faster that needle moves, the greater the acceleration.

On Earth, objects do not fall at constant speed, as your question suggests. Gravity accelerates objects toward the center of the Earth at 32.2 ft per second per second (which can also be written as 32 ft/s2). In other words, an object's velocity will increase by 32.2 ft/s (or 9.8 m/s) for each second the object falls until it reaches its terminal velocity, which you can think of as a kind of speed limit. Terminal velocity is reached when air friction equally opposes the force of gravity. Different objects will have different terminal velocities, depending upon their shapes.

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Imagine you are on top of a tall building and holding a Bowling ball over the side of the building. At time t = 0 seconds, you let go of the ball. At that exact moment, the ball is traveling at 0 ft/s, but as the ball experiences gravity without your holding it, it starts to fall. After one second, the ball will be traveling 32.2 ft/s. After two seconds, it is traveling 64.4 ft/s, and after three seconds, it is traveling at 96.6 ft/s.

So you see that falling objects do not fall at the constant rate of 32.2 feet per second but actually accelerate -- that is, pick up speed -- at a rate of 32.2 feet per second per second.

Note: The equation of rectilinear motion can be found at:

Uh, Update: This article doesnt seem to mention "terminal velocity." Eventually, a falling bowling ball will not continue to pick up speed, it will reach Terminal Velocity, and stay at that speed. Terminal velocity is reached as the air resistance on a falling object approaches the momentum of the object. For example, as a bowling ball falls, gravity makes it accelerate at 32.2 feet per second. The bowling ball also hits air molecules, which slows it's acceleration. This is air resistance. As the bowling ball falls faster, more air molecules hit it per second. This is because the bowling ball travels a greater distance per second and passes through more air, and more air molecules. Eventually, the combined forces of all of the air molecules negate the acceleration of the bowling ball. At this point the bowling ball neither accelerates nor decelerates, it reaches an equilibrium. It will keep falling at a constant speed: its terminal velocity. If it were to somehow fall faster than its terminal velocity, the extra air molecules that hit it would actually slow it down until its terminal velocity was once again reached.

An object's velocity, then, is determined both by its weight and its shape relative to the ground. If an object is small, like a bowling ball, it does not pass through many air molecules per second, and must travel faster to hit enough air molecules per second to reach terminal velocity. If an object's surface area is large, like a parachute, it does not need to be traveling as fast in order to hit enough air molecules per second. yep your right agree subscribe

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Not on Earth. Maybe a different planet.

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Q: Does gravity pull things down 32.2 feet per second?
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Is gravity measured in grams?

gravity is weight and weight is measured in N (newtons). so, no, its not measured in grams. :) Actually, gravity is measured as acceleration and is 9.8 Meters/second/second or 32.2 feet/second/second. Weight is the effect felt BECAUSE of gravity.

When something is thrown in the air it accelerates?

Something thrown in the air is affected by two factors: friction and gravity. Friction from the air, wind and whatever is in the air (such as dust) will slow it down making it decelerate from the direction it is moving. Gravity will cause the item to descend (move downwards). If moving upwards, it will slow down and then start moving downwards. It will accelerate downward at the rate of about 32 feet per second squared, or 32 feet per second per second. That means that an object (standing still) will be moving downwards at 32 feet per second after one second, at 64 feet per second after two second, 96 feet per seconds downwards after 3 seconds, and so on. It does not matter how heavy the item is.

How fast does gravity pull you down?

Gravity accelerates objects at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared on Earth. This means the speed at which gravity pulls you down increases by 9.8 m/s every second until another force, like air resistance or the ground, counteracts it.

What holds everything down on earth suction gravity or air?

It is the Earth's gravity that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.

What will be the acceleration due to gravity or its surface when earth contracts half of its present size without change its mass?

The current acceleration due to gravity is 32 feet per second per second, or 9.8 meters per second per second. The "inverse square" equations for gravity and distance indicate that if the mass remains constant while the radius is cut in half, the force of gravity would increase by a factor of four. So the new acceleration due to gravity would be 128 feet per second per second, or 39.2 meters per second per second.

What force pulls objects down to earth's surface?

The force that pulls objects down to Earth's surface is called gravity. Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are brought towards one another, including planets, stars, and galaxies. It is responsible for keeping our feet on the ground and for keeping celestial bodies in orbit.

What is the speed of gravity in Feet per second?

The average speed of gravity on the surface of the Earth is 32.1740 ft/s2 (9.80665 m/s2)

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The measure of the amount of gravity acting on an object's mass is its weight. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and is measured in newtons or pounds, depending on the unit system used.

Is gravity zero on the Earth?

it depends how far away you are from earth but is still never 0. gravity can be calculated by 32 feet per second squared.

What is the acceleration of gravity in feet per second?

32.1740 ft/s^232.174 ft per second2

How does gravity affect the velocity of a fired bullet?

Gravity will cause a fired bullet to decelerate as it travels through the air, pulling it down towards the ground and affecting its trajectory. The velocity of the bullet decreases over time due to the downward force of gravity, causing it to follow a curved path rather than a straight line.

What is the acceleration of gravity expressed in English units?

The acceleration of gravity in English units is approximately 32 feet per second squared (32 ft/s^2).