An isoquant is a graph showing the same quantity of output for various combinations of inputs. Since these are all measures of quantity, they must all be positive.
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.
positive and a positive is a positive negative and a negative is a positive to answer your question: positive and a negative is a negative.
negative*negative=positive negative/positive=negative negative\negative=positve negative-positive=change the sign to a plus and then change the number after the sign and get your answer negative +positive=which ever numbr is bigger minus positive+positive=positive
negative slope, convexity to its origin
Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
Linear isoquant [perfect substitutability of factors of production], Input-output isoquant or Leontif isoquant [no substitution or strict complementarity; only one efficient method of production] are exceptions to isoquant convexity to the origin. Kinked isoquant is of limited substitutability at kinks. But if kinks come closer and closer, it will become a smooth curve, convex to the origin.
The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive
Yes. Negative/negative = positive Postive/Positive = positive Negative/Positive - negative
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.
Negatives and Positives Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative Positive + Negative = Negative
a negative x a negative= a positive, a positive x a positive= a positive, a negative x a positive= a negative, and a positive x a negative= a negative. Same thing with division. a negative divided by a negative= a positive, a positive divided by a positive= a positive, a negative divided by a positive= a negative, and a positive divided by a negative is a negative. U see?
positive and a positive is a positive negative and a negative is a positive to answer your question: positive and a negative is a negative.
negative*negative=positive negative/positive=negative negative\negative=positve negative-positive=change the sign to a plus and then change the number after the sign and get your answer negative +positive=which ever numbr is bigger minus positive+positive=positive