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Q: Does it make sense to use more than just a single segmentation variable?
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You need to specify a second unit to convert to/from. there is now way to just just a conversion for a single variable

What do you call an experiment with only one variable?

An experiment with only one variable is called a single-variable or one-factor experiment. This type of experiment is designed to measure the effect of changing a single factor or variable on the outcome or result being studied.

Identify an independent variable in an experiment?

AnswerIt is a variable in an equation that is not dependent on any other variable in the equation. For example, in the equation...y = 3x + 5y is a dependent variable because its value depends on the value of x. The variable x is an independent variable.this dosent even make sense that much so try to find a diffrent one thank you..note: bye the way this is correct and i am going the wrong way i said it dosent make that much sense and yeah it does do just belive that this makes sense sorry about that and just forget that note at the top it is very very wrong ...AN independent variable is the variable that the experimentor changes.An independent variable is an input value that one can vary to obtain an output value which is dependent variable.For example in equation y = 3x then x is independent input variable that produces an output y where y is the dependent variable, that depends on the value of x

What is the independent variable of a variable?

Just the number, for example: 7x the variable is 7. The variable is the number without the variable(x,y,z, etc.)

What can happen if a mathematical model contains a wrong value for a single variable?

well see lets go back to the basics you just need heklp but here is the answer idk ahha

How do you evaluate the expression P86?

If it is a variable-name, then just fetch the value of the variable.

How do you use the word variable in a question?

you just used the word variable in a question :)

Is x² a variable or just x?

just X

Which part of the expreiment stays the same variable or contral?

The variable that remains constant in an experiment is known as the control variable. This variable is not changed or manipulated throughout the experiment in order to isolate the effects of the independent variable.

How do you know when an equal sign indicates an answer or equivalency And any examples?

If it indicates an answer, there will generally be a number after the equal sign, and a single variable before the equal sign. Examples: x=2 y=1254 If it indicates equivalency, it will not be just a single variable before the equal sign and an expression or constant after the equal sign. Examples: 4x=k where k is a constant, 7y+9=3y-1

What is descriptive variable?

A variable is a measured quantity In the context of survey research, a descriptive variable is one that is just to be reported on, with no conclusions drawn about influence or causality eg. place of birth may be a descriptive variable where we just thought was something interesting to put in the report.

Why does it make sense for scientists to test just one variable at a time in an experiment?

Because if you change more than one variable, you won't know which one was responsible for any observed effect, or indeed whether they both had a part in it. The worse case of all would be if they both had an effect but the effects cancelled out.lots of times it is just not possible to change only one variable, especially when you are observing rather than experimenting. There are complicated mathematical techniques to try and sort things out when more than one variable is being changed at the same time.