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Yes because that is a very selfish attitude to take and you shouldn't just be thinking about yourself (not you personally!) Everyone is equal and deserves a good life, it isn't fair if some people have a good life and can't be bothered to do anything about it. 80% of the worlds population lives in poverty and 40 million people die every year from hunger-related diseases and a child dies every 5 seconds from malnutrition.

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Q: Does it matter if the world is an unequal place?
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Is it anyone fault that the world is an unequal place?

The world is an unequal place not because of any one person\'s fault, but because of the lack of a collective conscience that sees everybody as equal. In short, it is everybody\'s fault that the world is an unequal place.

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Anywhere you decide. It is a matter of personal opinion.

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That is a matter of opinion. Most people in the world would not say that it is.

Is it better for the world to stay unequal?

Yes it is better or else the world would be in total chaos. If the world was all equal everyone would fight for power. So it is better to be unequal for the world.

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global inequalities are unequal oppurtunities for third world countries.

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This is really a matter of opinion, so the answer will vary depending on the person answering the question.

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The two sums of money are unequal. They split the pie unequally. Unequal cake cutting can be devastating. Fernando did not try to make the cookies of unequal size.

If location is a matter of place what is place a matter of?

C. where it is; what it is like

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If you mean do objects (which have matter) move through space, then yes, matter moves from place to place. The act of walking around in your room is already evidence of that, seeing as you consist of matter.

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It doesn't matter where he's at as long as it either performing or playing on his piano

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A Circle