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On some projections it may look that way, but in reality, on a world map, the lines cross at perfect 90 degree angles.

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Q: Does lines of longitude cross lines of latitude at 45 degree angles?
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What angle do lines of longitude cross with lines of latitude?

Meridians of constant longitude cross parallels of constant latitude. Parallels of constant latitude cross meridians of constant longitude. At each intersection of a meridian and a parallel, the lines are perpendicular (form 90° angles).

In what country does 40 degree North latitude cross 40 East longitude?


What area do the 0 degree line of latitude and 0 degree line of longitude cross?

The point at which the equator (0° latitude) and the prime meridian (0° longitude) intersect has no real significane but it is in the Atlantic Ocean.

Where does the 0 degree line of latitude and the 0 degree line of longitude cross?

in the Gulf of Guinea, about 380 miles south of Accra, Ghana.

What do we call the place where latitude and longitude cross?

The latitude and longitude of a place are known as its co-ordinates.

What do we call the place where latitude and longitude lines cross?

The latitude and longitude of a place are known as its co-ordinates.

What is the latitude and longitude of the point of the equator and the international date line?

The point where they cross is zero latitude / 180° longitude.

In what city does 21 degree north latitude cross 40 degree east longitude?

There is no city there; these coordinates are in a rural area about 30 miles south of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

In what country do the lines of 10n latitude 0 longitude cross?

The lines of 10°N latitude and 0° longitude cross in the country of Ghana, located in West Africa.

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What 2 lines of latitude cross north American

Do lines of longitude cross lines of latitude?

They intersect, yes.

When lines of longitude and latitude cross they make a?

Lines of longitude and latitude cross each other and denote the absolute location of the area crossed by the coordinates. Each area on earth has it own absolute location.