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They are perpendicular lines

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Q: What are two lines that cross to make 90 degree angles called?
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Two lines are perpendicular if they cross at 45 degree angles?

Two lines are perpendicular if they cross at 90 degree angles.

Does lines of longitude cross lines of latitude at 45 degree angles?

On some projections it may look that way, but in reality, on a world map, the lines cross at perfect 90 degree angles.

What kinds of lines intersect and make 90 degree angles?

Perpendicular lines cross creating 90 degree angles. Examples would be intersections in city blocks or a cross.

What are the lines that cross at a 90 degree angle called?

The lines that cross at a 90 degree angle are called Perpindicular lines.

What do perpendicular angles cross at?

When who lines are perpendicular, this means the lines cross to make 4 90 degree angels.

What are lines that cross at the right angles called?


What are lines that intersect right angles called?

Lines that intersect right angles (ninety-degree angles) are described as perpendicular.

What are interesting lines that cross or meet to from right angles called?

Perpendicular Lines

What are Lines that form 90 degree angles at intersection called?

Perpendicular lines.

What is the point called where the number lines cross at right angles?

The origin.

What are intersecting lines hat cross or meet to form right angles called?

perpendicular lines

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting lines are different?

Perpendicular lines are a specific kind of intersecting lines. Intersecting lines are any two lines that cross through each other. Depending on how they cross each other, they may make angles from 170 degrees to 1 degree. Perpendicular lines are specifically two straight lines that cross each other at right angles, so that they create angles that are 90 degrees.