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Q: Does max b have 4 kids?
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Does Max von Sydow have kids?

Yes, Max von Sydow has 4 kids.

Does max from aventura have kids?

yes he has 4 kids and his brother had 3

Does max b have kids?

Yes , according to french montana. Don Stack$

How many kids does Max von Sydow have?

Max von Sydow has 4 children

Does Max von Sydow have children?

Yes, Max von Sydow has 4 kids.

How do you find the largest and the smallest values among 4 numbers using conditional operators?

int a, b, c, d, max, min; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a, &b, &c, &d); (a>b)?(max=a,min=b):(max=b,min=a); (c>d)?(a=c,b=d):(a=d,b=c); max=(a>max)?a:max; min=(b<min)?b:min; printf("%d %d\n", max, min);

Who is Max B?

Max B is a rap artist.

When was Ford B-Max created?

Ford B-Max was created in 2012.

When was Max B born?

Max B was born on 1978-05-21.

Algorithm to arrange three numbers in ascending order using else if ladder?

step 1:start step 2:input the values of a,b,c step 3:if(a>b&&a>c) max=a step 4:else if(b>c) max=b step 5:else max=c step 6:output:max step 7:stop

C program to find the largest among three numbers using ternary operator?

max = a > b ? a : b; max = max > c ? max : c;

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Jeopardy - 1984 2004-B Kids Week Game 4 21-34 was released on: USA: 21 October 2004