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Assuming probability of having a boy is P(B) = 1/2, and of having a girl is P(G) = 1/2,

the probability of having 3 boys for 4 kids (with out regard to the girl to be the first,

second, third or fourth kid) is;

P(3B1G) = 4C3 [P(B)]4 = 4 (1/2)4 = 0.250 = 25%

The factor 4 comes because there are 4 possibilities for the order in which the girl can

come out.

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Q: What is the probability of having 3 boys for 4 kids?
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The probability of having a boy or a girl is always 50/50 each time, regardless of previous outcomes. So the theoretical probability of having a girl after having three boys in a row is still 50%.

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