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Q: Does newton's law of cooling apply to warming as well as to cooling?
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Does newtons law of cooling apply to warming as well as to cooling?


What is the difference between global warming and global cooling?

Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature, primarily due to human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Global cooling, on the other hand, refers to a decrease in Earth's average surface temperature, which can be caused by natural factors like volcanic eruptions or changes in solar radiation. Both global warming and global cooling are part of the broader concept of climate change.

Is geothermal good for the earth?

Geothermal energy is considered environmentally friendly because it produces very low emissions and has a minimal impact on the environment. It is a renewable energy source that harnesses heat from the Earth's core, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner energy mix.

How does newtons second law apply to rockets?

Newton's second law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration. In the context of rockets, this means that the force needed to propel the rocket is determined by its mass and the desired acceleration. By applying this law, rocket engineers can calculate the amount of thrust required to overcome the rocket's mass and achieve the desired acceleration for liftoff.

Do they have global warming in Egypt?

Yes Egypt being on the globe is warming as well.

How does Newtons Laws apply to volleyball?

well if you don't hit the ball on time it will hit the ground and the opponent team will score anyways isn't the part when the ball hits the ground gravity, Newton discovered gravity.

What is a measure of the pulling force of gravity?

well, you measure in newtons

What is a measure of the force of gravity's pull?

well, you measure in newtons

How can runners prevent injuries to the Achillies tendon?

The Achilles tendon is always at risk of injury in runners, but these can be prevented by properly stretching before a run, as well as "warming up" before a run, and "cooling down" after a run, to ensure that the tendon is not damaged.

Changes in the cycle are implicated in global warming?

The idea that Global Warming is a natural cycle is well understood from paleo.

Does tourism cause global warming?

well, considering that Gobal warming isn't real and El Gore himself admitted that, i'd say no. it doesnt cause "Global Warming"

What is the weight of a 3kg chicken on the moon?

3 kg of mass weighs about 4.8 newtons (1.074 pounds) when it's on the moon.While it's still on the earth, it weighs 29.4 newtons (6.61 pounds).Note that it's always 3 kg of mass, no matter where it goes.