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Q: What are two conditions that produce crystals with well defined faces?
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What two conditions produce crystals with well-defined faces?

Slow cooling of a liquid or solution allows crystals to form with well-defined faces due to the orderly arrangement of particles. Additionally, a supersaturated solution can produce crystals with defined faces as excess solute particles slowly come together to form a crystal lattice.

What is euhedral crystal and anhedral crystals?

Euhedral crystals are well-formed crystals with distinct faces and sharp edges due to their growth in an unrestricted environment. Anhedral crystals lack defined crystal faces and edges because they formed in a confined space or in competition with surrounding minerals, resulting in irregular shapes.

Are geodes filled with anhedral crystals on its walls?

Geodes typically contain euhedral crystals (well-formed, distinct crystal shapes) lining the inside walls. These crystals form when mineral-laden water enters a cavity in a rock and then precipitates out to form the surface of the geode. Anhedral crystals, which lack well-defined faces and shapes, are less commonly found in geodes.

What kind of faces are found in mineral crystals?

Mineral crystal faces of varying luster and geometric shapes.

Geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals because of what reason?

Geodes form spectacular euhedral crystals due to slow, controlled crystallization inside a cavity, which allows for well-defined crystal faces to develop. The slow growth process results in the formation of large, well-formed crystals with distinct geometric shapes.

Why crystals of sugar have straight edges and flat faces?

it is the property of solid crystal that they have straight edges and flat faces.

What are two examples of a isometric crystal?

Two examples of isometric crystals are diamond and pyrite. These crystals have cubic symmetry and their faces are all equal in length.

What is observe number and angle of crystals faces?

Too Do This You Must Have Thee Correct Objects .

What is the most common crystal shape of calcite?

Calcite commonly forms rhombohedral crystals. These crystals have a shape resembling a slanted cube with parallelogram faces.

How many edges and vertices a cylinder has?

A cylinder has 0 vertices. If an edge is defined by the meeting of two faces then there are two edges but if an edge is defined by the meeting of two PLANE faces then there are 0 edges.

The definition of crystals?

The official definition for the word crystals is a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces."

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500 faces 500 faces