Modernly yes but technically no because, because new sources of energy that are renewable are tacking over the long reign of oil, even though it is a vital nececcity like water to us human.
Zero will use his geass to change the world.
US v. Nixon
they both leaders and rule the world
That depends on what your graph is showing about the USA, compared to the other countries. Your graph may be showing fraction of world population, fraction of world GDP, fraction of world energy consumption, fraction of the world's Jews, fraction of the world's oil production, fraction of world oil refineries, etc. The USA section on each one would be different.
Slide rules were replaced by pocket calculators. This happened very suddenly as soon as the price of the calculator became comparable with the slide rule. The market for the slide rule dried up almost completely, in much of the world, in less than a year. Some specialty slide rules have survived, however.
It is impossible to predict who will rule the world in 2020 as global power dynamics are constantly shifting. Many countries and leaders have influence on the world stage, and it is important to consider the complex relationships and events that will shape future global leadership.
The Japanese and the Nazis wanted to RULE THE WORLD by expanding their empires and gain raw materials/oil.
use oil
They didn't rule the world, but they colonized most countries in the world.
they rule the world!
When Corporations Rule the World was created in 1995.
It is an undetermined fact of whether or not monkeys will rule the world. Monkeys have an IQ comparable to humans, but that doesn't mean they will rule the world.
In the most simplest terms. The Japanese wanted oil and other resources and were not getting what they wanted according to their terms. Another reason was they wanted to rule the world. The Germans were led by Adolph Hitler who wanted to eradicate the Jews and all undesireables and he wanted to rule the European world.
He doesn't plan to rule the world, just be President for his term.
powering ovens - redsox rule
The ISBN of When Corporations Rule the World is 1-887208-00-3.