it is the final price or total amount that you ought to pay to a company or person.(usually find invoice on Ebay)
when the price is regular
the price wont change,
The 'included side' is the side between the two given angles. The 'included angle' is the angle between the two given sides.
The term half price may refer to the discount of selling a product. It mean that the specific is selling out at the half the price (50% off) the actual retail price of the product. For example, She had bought the book half price from the Mela.
It means that taxes are not included
It means exactly what it says. This is the final price and item sells for.
It means exactly what it says. This is the final price and item sells for.
Annual income is gross salary before taxes. Net income is after taxes.
Closing price (Last). The final price of JLJ stock for the day.
Final price after deducting all discounts and rebates. Harsh CFA
Cost for delivery is included.
Gross of tax may mean that the price stated includes the tax portion.
Typically "net" indicates the price includes the item itself after all discounts are applied (and nothing else).The buyer would be expected to pay additionally for shipping, duties, taxes and perhaps even loading of the goods onto a truck.
it is the final price or total amount that you ought to pay to a company or person.(usually find invoice on Ebay)
It means Goods and Services Tax is not included in the stated product's price. However, the GST will likely be added to the price upon purchase of that product.
In this case, under "Repeat Status," it means "included" as the letter "E" means "excluded." Therefore, the grade with the "I" is included in the final GPA calculation as opposed to the "E" grade. However, under the category of "Grade" the "I" would mean "incomplete." but yours is under the "Repeat" category meaning that grade is included in the final GPA as opposed to the excluded grade.