

Does product mean add

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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no, it means times[x] ithink

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Q: Does product mean add
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Does the word product mean add?

No it mean to multiply

When you want the product of two numbers what does that mean?

"Product" means to multiply. "Sum" means to add.

Does product mean take away or add?

take away it is deacreasing

Does product mean add or multiply?

Product= the total of two integers multiplied together Sum= The total of two integers added together

What does it mean to find the product of something?

Product means to multiply the operands. The product of 5 and 6 is 30. Sum means to add the operands. The sum of 5 and 6 is 11.

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Total=sum or product of an eqation Multiply=to times or add that number by the times the other number Plus or Add=to add one number to another

How does marketing add value to a product?

Product has 3 parts which is core product, total product and amendment product and marketers add value to total product. Core product comes from manufacturer which is nothing to do with marketing and amendment product means warranty. how do they add vale to total product? it can be packaging, advertising, designing for changing customer behavior.

What are two factors of 21 and 10?

If you mean what numbers add to 10, whose product is 21, that would be 3 and 7.

What is the difference between the product and the sum?

The product is what you get when you multiply, the sum is what you get when you add.

How do you find the power of product?

to find a power of a product you add the exponents

How do you find the product of two numbers do you add them together or multiply?

Product = multiply.

Do product means to add or multiply?
