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Yes the 4 corners of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other and its opposite sides are parallel to each other.

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Q: Does rectangles always have perpendicular sides?
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Do rectangles have diagonals that are perpendicular?

I think rectangles do not have perpendicular sides. there are some perpendicular sides in a rectangle stupid person

Do rectangles have adjacent sides that are perpendicular?

yes rectangles do have adjacent sides that are perpindicular..... hope that helps....

What figure has their sides both parallel and perpendicular?

squares and rectangles

What polygons that have both perpendicular and parallel sides?

Squares and rectangles

Does a rectangle have a perpendicular sides?

YES!!! By the fact that is is named a 'Rectangle'. ,the anglesw are all 90 degrees. This means that all the angles are right angles, hence making the sides perpendicular. Quadrilateral means a four sided figure. It is a collective noun for rectangles and non-rectangles. Rectangles are squares, and rectangles. Non-rectangles are , parallelograms, rhombus, trapezium, kite.

What quadrilateral always has perpendicular sides?

A rectangle always has perpendicular sides.

What quadrilaterals have all adjacent sides perpendicular?

Rectangles. (Which includes squares.)

Are all rectangles perpendicular?

Yes. The basic definition for a rectangle is 4 sides, four right angles(perpendicular), and opposite sides are congruent.

What are adjacent perpendicular sides?

"Adjacent" means next to each other. "Perpendicular" means at an angle of 90 degrees. Rectangles (this includes squares) have adjacent perpendicular sides. So do right triangles.

Rectangles are always quadrilateral?

Yes, they always have 4 sides

Are the adjacent sides of rhombus perpendicular?

No. This is only true of squares and rectangles. Perpendicular means that the sides meet in a right angle. A rhombus has two acute angles and two obtuse angles.

Do all rectangles have adjacent sides that are perpendicular?

Yes, otherwise it would be a different shape such as a rhombus or trapezium.