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No, it can also be division.

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Q: Does scale factor always have to be multiplication?
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State the meaning of multiplying factor of wattmeter and with suitable example explain how it is determined?

watt meter is constructed such that it read only power on a single scale. Only single scale will available to read the measured power. In order to take the accurate reading just we measure the reading and we will multiple along with factor called multiplication factor. That's depends on on which voltage knob we connected and also the current. Multiplication factor can be determined by: Multiplication factor =(voltage range*current range*pf)/Max scale deflection.

How do you find the scale factor of the golden gate bridge?

Bridge Structure are usually (always) set out using scale factor one.

How do you scaling quantities?

To scale quantities proportionally, you simply multiply or divide the quantity by the scaling factor. For example, if you want to double a quantity, you would multiply it by 2. If you want to scale a quantity by a different factor, you would use that factor in the multiplication or division process accordingly.

When one factor in multiplication is greater than one is the product greater or less than the other factor?

The terms (factors) used in multiplication are the multiplicand (the factor being multiplied), the multiplier (the factor that the multiplicand is multiplied by) and the product (the answer, or results of the multiplication). Any time either of the factors is greater than the other by at least one, the product will always be greater than the largest factor.

What is factoring multiplication?

Factor multiplication is the process of multiplying prime factors. The product of factor multiplication is the number that the prime factors are multipilicands of.

What do you mean by multiplication factor of wattmeter?

what do you mean by multiplication

What is the multiplication factor in watt meter?

wattmeter is constructed such that it read only power on a single scale. Only single scale will avilable to read the measured power. In order to take the acuurate reading just we measure the reading and we will multiple along with factor called multificaion factor. That's depends on on which voltage knob we connected and also the current. Multification factor can be dtermind by: Multification factor =(voltage range*current range*pf)/Max scale deflection...

What is the meaning of da newton?

The Prefix 'da' is a multiplication factor. It stands for deca and In this case is a multiplication factor of 10.

How do you dilate a scale factor?

You increase the scale factor.

How does a scale factor relate to a scale factor?


Is this statement true or falseThe scale factor of a dilation is always between 0 and 1?
