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yes, change in y over change in x equals slope

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Q: Does slope equals change in y change in x?
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The change in y's over the change in x's?

the change in y over the change in x equals the slope(m) in the equation y=mx+b

The change in y over the change in x?

the change in y over the change in x equals the slope(m) in the equation y=mx+b

What is the slope of the line given by the equation y equals x?

The slope is ' 1 '. As you move along the line, any change in 'x' produces an equal change in 'y'.

What is m in the slope y equals mx?

m is the gradient or slope of the linear equation y = mx. It is a measure of the change in y for a unit change in x.

How do you solve a slope?

You take the change in Y or dy and divide it by the change in X or dx. Slope equals dy/dx.

What is the slope of the line y equals x?

y=x y=1x The slope is one.

What do you know about the slope when x equals 0?

Without an equation, you know nothing about the slope of a line just because x equals 0. Slope is the change in y value divided by the change in x value over a segment of a line. When you only have a single x value, there is no change so the slope is undefined. Or if you are stating the value of x is 0 for all values of y, then the slope is infinite.

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What is the slope and y-intercept of the line y equals 8x plus 7?

Slope is amount of change in y each time you change the x value one. In this case y=8x+7 the slope is 8 and the y intercept is when x is 0. In the case the y intercept is 7.

What does the slope tell you about changes in x and y?

slope is change in y over change in x

Which line has a greater slope y equals 3x or x equals 3y?

y equals 3x has the greater slope.