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No. Sum means to add.

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Q: Does sum mean subtraction
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Do to you have to do plus for a sum?

no you do that for subtraction

Is sum part of addition or subtraction?

addition Sum is the result of an addition problem. Difference is the result of a subtraction problem.

Can a subtraction problem can be called a sum?

No, the answer in a subtraction problem is the difference.

What is a result of a subtraction problem?

Subtraction, like addition, results in a sum.

If sum is addition then what is subtraction?

It is the difference

What operation do you use when it say subtraction?

A subtraction sum will contain a minus sign.

How are addition and subtraction the same?

Addition is a sum and so is subtraction. So there's your answer!

What do the words product sum quotent and difference mean?

Product is the answer in a multiplication problem; Sum is the answer in an addition problem; Quotient is the answer in a division problem; Difference is the answer in a subtraction problem.

What is another word for the answer to an subtraction problem?

Answer for an addition problem= sum. Answer for a subtraction problem= difference. Answer for a multiplication problem= product. Answer for a division problem= quotient.

What is the difference between sum and difference?

sum is addition difference is subtraction

Is sum and difference the same?

No. The sum is the answer to an addition problem. The difference is the answer to a subtraction problem.

What methods can you use to solve for the sum or difference of integers?

To find the sum of integers, you use addition.To find the difference, you use subtraction.