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Q: Does the Radius connect to the thumb?
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Is the radius bone or ulna bone on your thumb side?

Your Radius is on the thumb side of ur body.

What Bone the side of the thumb?

it is the radius

Which out of Radius and Ulna is on the side of the thumb?

The radius is on the same side as the thumb, while the ulna is on the opposite side (pinky side) of the forearm.

Where on the body is the radius?

The radius is located in your lower arm in line with your thumb.

What bone runs along the thumb side of the forearm?

The bone that runs along the thumb side of the forearm is called the radius. It is one of the two bones in the forearm, the other being the ulna. The radius is located on the same side as the thumb when the palm faces up.

Where is the radius located?

on the thumb side of the arm

Is the ulna on the thumb side of your arm?

No, the ulna is on the opposite side of the thumb. It is located on the pinky side of your arm, while the radius is on the thumb side.

What is one of the names of the forearm bones called?

It is the radius or radial bone.

The bone on the thumb-side of the lower arm is called the?

There are 2 long bones, the ulna and radius, that comprise the forearm from the elbow to the wrist. There are 7 wrist bones, the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform, trapezium, trapezius, capitate and hamate.

What is the name of the bone of the forearm?

There are actually two bones in your forearm, the ulna and the radius.

What of the humerus articulates with radius?

The humerus is the upper arm (attached to the shoulder) and the radius is the bone in the thumb side of the forearm.

What is the name of the bone next to the elbow?

The Humerus Would be the upper bone near the bicep. The lower two bones are the Radius, and the Ulna. The Radius follows the thumb, and crosses when you twist your wrist.