

What does radius mean?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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7y ago

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Radius is half of the diameter of a circle. (How far the middle is to an edge) The diameter of a circle is how far one side is from the other going through the center of the circle.

The word is also applied to the shorter of the two bones of the forearm, running from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. The other forearm bone is the ulna.

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The radius of a circle is half of its diameter

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If you mean the radius of a circle then it is half of the circle's diameter

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Mercury has a mean radius of:2,439.7 Km.1,516 miles.

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Radius times two (r x r)

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== A radius is half of diameter,the formula of radius== d/2 ===

What is the radius of the eartn?

Not sure about the eartn, but earth has a mean radius of 6370 km.

What does r in the circle mean?

R = Radius The radius is half the diameter of a circle.

Which is the biggest the Mars or the earth's moon?

Mars is. Mars has a mean radius of 3397km while our moons mean radius is 1737km.

How do you find the radius if you are given the radius?

I guess you mean:"How do you find the radius if you are given the diameter?"You take the diameter and divide it by 2.