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Not unless it is shot into deep space or a location of complete gravitational cancelation

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Q: Does the acceleration of a projectile motion ever go to zero?
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Ignoring air resistance what is the horizontal component of a projectile's acceleration?


For motion along a straight line a horizontal line on a speed over time graph indicates graph indicates that what is zero?

For motion at constant speed along a straight line, the acceleration is zero.

An object with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity what is mean is n't possible.?

Yes, it can happen. when the velocity is momentarily zero while an object is changing from moving in the positive direction motion to the negative direction; the object obviously will stop at one point, but will still have a constant acceleration.

Why does the acceleration of an object rolled down an incline increase as the angle of incline increases?

The contribution of the acceleration of gravity in the direction of motion increases as the angle of the incline increases. Or in other words, as the angle between the direction of motion and the force of gravity goes to zero, the acceleration of the object goes to the gravitational acceleration. a = g cos(theta) Where theta is the angle between the direction of motion and verticle, which is in fact (theta = 90 - angle of the incline)Where a is the acceleration of the object down the incline plane and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Theta is the angle between the direction of motion of the accelerating object and the acceleration of gravity. Initially, the angle between a and g is 90 degrees (no incline) and therefore g contributes nothing to the objects acceleration. a = g cos(90) = 0 As the angle of the inclined is increased, the angle between a and g approaches zero, at which point a = g. With no other forces acting upon the object, g is its maximum acceleration.

What is your acceleration if you have a constant velocity?

If your velocity is constant, then your acceleration is zero.

Related questions

Is it true to say that a projectile has zero acceleration at its peak. If yes explain if not give a reason?

Yes, at the peak of its trajectory, a projectile has zero vertical acceleration. This is because at the peak, the projectile's vertical velocity is transitioning from upward to downward motion, causing a momentary halt in vertical acceleration as it changes direction.

Why in the projectile motion the horizontal component of acceleration becomes zero?

In projectile motion, the only force acting horizontally is the initial velocity, which does not change over time in the absence of external horizontal forces. This means that the acceleration in the horizontal direction is constant and therefore zero because there are no forces causing a change in velocity in that direction.

What of the following quantities are zero for a projectile motion during flight?

During projectile motion, the vertical velocity is zero at the highest point of the trajectory. However, the horizontal velocity is constant throughout the flight and never zero assuming no external forces act horizontally. The acceleration due to gravity is always acting vertically downwards and is never zero during the flight of a projectile.

What is the vertical acceleration of a projectile if the vertical component of its velocity vector is zero?

If the vertical component of the velocity vector is zero, it means that the projectile has reached the peak of its trajectory. At this point, the vertical acceleration of the projectile is equal to the acceleration due to gravity, which is typically -9.81 m/s^2 (assuming upwards is positive and downwards is negative).

Ignoring air resistance what is the horizontal component of a projectile's acceleration?


What is net acceleration in a non uniform motion?

For uniform motion, the acceleration is zero. For non-uniform motion, the acceleration is something different than zero - at least, most of the time.

What is the acceleration of a projectile when instantaneous vertical velocity is zero at the top of its projectile?

Acceleration at the point of zero vertical velocity will be equivalent to gravitational acceleration on that body. On Earth, for example, this is around 9.8 meters per second per second (9.8m/s2).

Can an object be moving if acceleration is zero?

Yes, an object can be moving if its acceleration is zero. If the object is moving at a constant velocity, the acceleration will be zero even though the object is in motion.

Is the acceleration of a projectile equal to zero when it reaches the top of its trajectory?

Yes, the acceleration of a projectile is zero at the top of its trajectory because that is where it changes its direction from going up to going down. At the top, the vertical component of the projectile's velocity is zero, so there is no acceleration acting on it in that direction.

What is the acceleration in uniform motion?


How do the horizontal components of a projectile motion vary from the vertical components?

In projectile motion, the horizontal component of motion is constant and does not change, while the vertical component is affected by gravity causing it to accelerate downwards. This results in a parabolic path of the projectile where the horizontal distance traveled is determined by the initial velocity and angle of projection, while the vertical distance is influenced by gravity.

What quantities are zero throughout the flight of a projectile?

The vertical velocity at the highest point of the trajectory, the vertical displacement when the projectile returns to its initial height, and the vertical acceleration at the highest point are all zero throughout the flight of a projectile.