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Q: Does the area of a piece of paper change if you change the height and radius?
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Related questions

What is the height of a piece of paper folded in half once?

The height of a piece of paper folded in half once is half of its original height.

Is folding a piece of paper a chemical change?

no it is not a physical change because folding a piece of paper does not chemicaly change it.

tearing a piece of paper in half physical or chemical change?

Physical change

What has a greater volume a piece of paper rolled into a cylinder lengthwise or a piece of paper rolled into a cylinder widthwise?

A piece of paper rolled into a cylinder lengthwise would have a greater volume because it would have a larger radius compared to one rolled into a cylinder widthwise. The volume of a cylinder is maximized when the radius is maximized, which occurs when the paper is rolled lengthwise.

Is coloring on a white piece of paper a physical change or a chemical change?

Coloring on a white piece of paper is a physical change because the color change is reversible and does not alter the chemical composition of the paper. The paper remains paper even after coloring on it.

What type of change happens when you crumple a piece of paper?

When you crumple a piece of paper, a physical change occurs. The paper's shape and appearance change, but its chemical composition remains the same.

Is tearing a piece of paper in half a physical change?

tearing a piece of paper is a physical change because when you rip it,it is still a piece of paper but lets say that u burn a piece of paper its a chemical change couse you cant change it back to wood again

How many circles can be cut with a radius of 5cm from a piece of paper 50cm by 40cm?

20 of them.

Is wadding a sheet of paper a chemical change?

Physical change. The paper is still a piece of paper; nothing happened to the chemical composition of it.

How thick would a piece of paper folded in half be?

Folding the piece of paper does not change the thickness of the piece of paper. However, the thickness of the folded paper would be twice that of the original sheet of paper.

Is wadding up a piece of paper a chemical or physical change?

Physical- it is still a piece of paper. It can be unwadded. But if you burned it (a chemical change) it is no longer paper, and you cannot unburn something.

Is tearing a piece of paper a slow change?
