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Q: Does the cubical expansibility depends on original volume?
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Does the cubical expansivity of a liquid depend on its original volume?

No. The expansivity is on a per unit basis just like the specific heat or density is.

What is the definition of cubical expansion?

Cubical expansion refers to the increase in volume of a substance as it is heated. This expansion can be calculated using the coefficient of cubical expansion, which quantifies how the volume of a material changes with temperature.

A cubical box has a volume of 343cubic meters.find the side of cubical box.?

the sides of the cubical box would be 7 meters

What is meant by cubical expansion?

Cubical expansion refers to the increase in volume of a substance when its temperature increases. It is governed by the coefficient of cubic expansion, which quantifies how much the volume of a substance changes with temperature.

What is the side of the cubical box with volume 1000 cubic cm?


A cubical aquarium of side 30cm can hold What volume of water?

27000 mL

How do you calculate the volume of materials in concrete?

If it is a cubical block, the volume is simply length x height x width.

What is cubical expansion?

Cubical expansion is the increase in volume that occurs when a substance is heated. This expansion is directly proportional to temperature change, as the molecules in the substance gain kinetic energy and move apart, causing the overall volume to increase. The amount of expansion can be calculated using the coefficient of cubical expansion, which varies for different materials.

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a block of wood?

Since, this is a cubical block, It can be length * breadth* height..

The Volume of a cubical box is 2.197 Cubic centmetre.How can you find the lenght of its one side?

The volume of an oblong is: volume = length x width x height As the box is cubical, ie is a cube, all sides are of equal length, thus: volume_cube = side x side x side = side3 So, given the volume: side = cube_root(volume) ie, take the cube root of the volume of 2.197cm3.

64 drops of water can fill a cubical box having 1 cm side .what is the volume of one drop?

It is 0.015625 millilitres.

How many blocks with edges 1foot long would be needed to fill a cubical box with edges 1 yard long?

9 cause the volume is 9