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Q: Does the greater dodder photosynthesise
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What are the common names of cuscuta?

Dodder, hellweed, devil's gut, beggarweed, strangle tare, scaldweed, dodder of thyme , greater dodder, and lesser dodder. In Chinese, cuscuta seeds are called tu si zi.

Can herpes virus photosynthesise?

No. No viruses can photosynthesise.

Is dodder a saprophyte?

Dodder is a total parasite . It is because the dodder plants absorbs water,mineral as well as food from the host. A partial parasite absorbs only water and minerals from the host as partial parasites contain chlorophyll.

Why would a shrub be harmed by dodder?

Well, you see, the dodder needs a place to live and it dangers the shrubs

What is the scientific name of dodder plant?

The scientific name of the dodder plant is Cuscuta.

What type of organism can photosynthesise?

Only Producers (plants) can photosynthesise

What is the other name of dodder?

The other names of dodder include love vine, strangleweed, devil's-guts and goldthread.

How non green plants photosynthesise?

They do not photosynthesise. They get their nutrients though their roots.

What kind of symbiosis is the dodder and marigold?

The relationship between dodder and marigold is considered parasitic symbiosis, specifically a form of parasitism where the dodder plant derives nutrients from the marigold plant without benefiting it in any way. Dodder lacks chlorophyll and relies on other plants for survival and growth.

How does a dodder plant produce food?

Dodder is a parasite, it obtains its food from feeding off other plants, it does not produce its own

Can you eat dodder plants?

Dodder plants are parasitic and do not photosynthesize, so they do not produce their own food. They derive nutrients by attaching to host plants and extracting their nutrients. Therefore, dodder plants are not typically consumed as food by humans.

What are the products of photosynthesise?

photosynthesise ends up with oxygen being released into the atmosphere