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Q: Does the ordinary addition rules obey for scalar addition?
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The answer is still infinite. Infinity is not an ordinary number and does not obey the same rules as ordinary numbers.

Is possession of magnitude and direction sufficient for calling a quantity a vector explain?

No, possession of magnitude and direction alone is not always sufficient for calling a quantity a vector. A vector must also obey the rules of vector addition and scalar multiplication to be considered a true vector in physics and mathematics.

What is the same between whole numbers and decimals?

They are all numbers and obey the same rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation etc.

Is any quantity having a positive and negative values a vector?

No, not necessarily. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. While it can have positive and negative values, not all quantities with positive and negative values represent vectors. Vectors must also obey the rules of vector addition and scalar multiplication.

Are there rules that everyone including leaders must obey in Monarchy?

Yes there are. Monarchies have rules and laws and have constitutions. There are different variations of monarchies, but they all have laws that affect all levels of society, from ordinary people to the leaders of the country.

What is compound sentence with obey?

Honor and obey your father and your mother.

What word means obey rules?


Why is hammurabicode of law and justice linked?

they are linked because they have to deal with rules and to obey the rules

How to obey parents?

The answer to this is very simple. You follow their rules and do what is asked of you.

What are some rules you must obey at church?

listen to the priest

Why did the Aztecs get punishment for?

They got punishments if They didnt Obey the rules

What did jeaus do in his teen years?

he was obey god rules and following them.