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well i'd hope so.

you dont seem like a very caring boy/girlfriend.

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Q: Does the relationship represent a function?
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How can you represent a proportional relationship using an equation?

You cannot represent a proportional relationship using an equation.

What does x represent in a function?

The unknown variable in that function.

What is function in relationship?

the function of relationship is to maintain the trust and holly love for eachother.

How can you use functions to solve real-world problems?

The basic idea is to represent the relationship between two variables as a function. Many problems in physics, chemistry, etc. use common functions (such as the square function, the square root function, the exponential function), or more complicated functions.

Does communication represent the function of human language?

yeah definitely...the word communication will represent the function of human language

What do the arrows represent in the food relationship?

The arrows represent the flow of energy.

What equation represent functions?

A function tries to define these relationsips. It tries to give the relationship a mathematical form. An equation is a mathematical way of looking at the relationship between concepts or items. These concepts or items ar represented by what are called variables.

A mapping diagram can be used to represent a function or a relation?

A mapping diagram can be used to represent a function or a relation true or false?

What do the asymptotes represent when you graph the tangent function?

When you graph a tangent function, the asymptotes represent x values 90 and 270.

What does a solid dot mean on a piecewise function represent?

It could represent a point whose coordinates do satisfy the requirements of the function.

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What is the relationship between a logarithmic function and its corresponding graph in terms of the log n graph?

The relationship between a logarithmic function and its graph is that the graph of a logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. This means that the logarithmic function "undoes" the exponential function, and the graph of the logarithmic function reflects this inverse relationship.