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Q: Does the set of rational numbers have a multiplicative identity?
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Does the set of rational numbers have multiplicative identity?

Yes. The multiplicative identity for the rational numbers is 1 (also can be written as 1/1).

What is the multiplicative identity of 2?

The multiplicative identity is a property of a set of numbers, not of an individual number in the set. 1 is the multiplicative identity for the set of all integers, rationals or reals etc. Individual elements of the set do have a multiplicative INVERSE and for 2, this is 1/2 or 0.5

What is the multicative identity of -3?

-3 does not have a multiplicative identity in the set of real numbers.

Does the set of rational numbers have a multiplicative inverse?

Yes, and for any non-zero rational x, the multiplicative inverse is 1/x.

Is the set of rational numbers contains the multiplicative inverse of each of its members?

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Why dividing fraction by 1 equals the fraction?

Dividing any number by 1 equals the number you started with.

Does the set of rational numbers have an additive identity?

Yes, it does.

What is the definition of multiplicative inverse?

In a set S, the multiplicative inverse of a non-zero element x is an element of the set, y, such that x*y = y*x = i, the identity element of S. For the set of numbers, the multiplicative identity is 1 and the multiplicative identity is also denoted by 1/x or x^-1.

Do sets of rational numbers have an additive identity?

There is only one set and it does have an additive identity.

Does the set of rational numbers have an additives identify?

Yes. The additive identity is 0.

In the set of rational numbers what is the identity element for multiplication?

1 is the identity for multiplication. 1*x = x = x*1 for all rational x.

What is the inverse property in math?

There are two related identity properties: the additive identity and the multiplicative identity. The additive identity property states that for x belonging to a set, there is an additive inverse in the set, which is denoted by -x such that x + (-x) = (-x) + x = 0, where 0 is the additive identity which also belongs to the set. The multiplicative identity property states that for y belonging to a set, there is a multiplicative inverse in the set, which is denoted by 1/y or y-1 such that y * (1/y) = (1/y) + y = 1, where 1 is the multiplicative identity which also belongs to the set.