print n
back to print step
Oh, dude, drawing a flowchart for printing prime numbers from 1 to 100 using a while loop in C? That's like asking me to explain quantum physics while juggling flaming torches. But hey, you basically start with a start symbol, then draw a decision box to check if a number is prime, and loop back until you reach 100. Just remember to add some arrows and shapes, and you're good to go!
The basic idea is as follows. Assume an array n(), of ten elements.* Set variable "highest" to the first number, n(1). * Set index "i" equal to 2. * Do the following in a loop: * If n(i) is greater than "highest", replace "highest" with n(i). * Increment i by 1. * Compare whether "i" is greater than 10. If it is, leave the loop. * Display variable "highest".
Oh, dude, drawing a flowchart for the sum of even numbers between 0 and 20 is like making a sandwich - you just gotta follow the steps. Start with a box labeled "Start" and draw arrows to boxes for each even number from 0 to 20. Connect those boxes to a box labeled "Sum" and voila, you've got yourself a flowchart for adding up those even numbers. It's as easy as eating pie... mmm, pie.
To create a flowchart to print odd numbers from 1 to 10, you would start with a terminal or start/end symbol. Then, you would use a process symbol to initialize a variable to 1. Next, you would use a decision symbol to check if the variable is less than or equal to 10. If it is, you would use another decision symbol to check if the variable is odd. If it is odd, you would use an output symbol to print the number. Finally, you would use a process symbol to increment the variable by 2 and loop back to the decision symbol to continue the process until the variable reaches 10.
n=100 loop until n = 9 print n n = n -1 end loop
Drawing an arrow.
do <statement> { while (Boolean expression); }
Oh, dude, drawing a flowchart for printing prime numbers from 1 to 100 using a while loop in C? That's like asking me to explain quantum physics while juggling flaming torches. But hey, you basically start with a start symbol, then draw a decision box to check if a number is prime, and loop back until you reach 100. Just remember to add some arrows and shapes, and you're good to go!
The basic idea is as follows. Assume an array n(), of ten elements.* Set variable "highest" to the first number, n(1). * Set index "i" equal to 2. * Do the following in a loop: * If n(i) is greater than "highest", replace "highest" with n(i). * Increment i by 1. * Compare whether "i" is greater than 10. If it is, leave the loop. * Display variable "highest".
Oh, dude, drawing a flowchart for the sum of even numbers between 0 and 20 is like making a sandwich - you just gotta follow the steps. Start with a box labeled "Start" and draw arrows to boxes for each even number from 0 to 20. Connect those boxes to a box labeled "Sum" and voila, you've got yourself a flowchart for adding up those even numbers. It's as easy as eating pie... mmm, pie.
in loop when draw a flow chart of table 2
foreach loop executes a predetermined number of times eg. list of items, rows in a table, etc. a for loop executes until a certain condition is met
the multiplication of the number of iterations with the number of statements in that loop is equal to loop length.
Use a looping structure. The first step initialises a loop control variable, n, to zero. You then begin the loop by processing the nth element from the array (the process may be a simple print statement). You then increment n. Finally, you test the value of n; if it is less than 10 you start a new iteration of the loop, otherwise you proceed to the end of the flowchart.