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Out of all possible paths that light might take, to get from one point to another, it takes the path that requires the shortest time.

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What are the examples of reflection in real life?

When look in to anything refective, you are using reflection.

How do you represent reflection of light?

Reflection of light can be represented using the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This can be shown diagrammatically using incident rays hitting a mirror surface and being reflected at an equal angle. Mathematically, reflection of light can also be represented using the reflection coefficient or Fresnel equations to calculate the intensity of the reflected light based on the properties of the surface.

How will you demonstrate total internal reflection?

you can demonstrate total internal reflection using a light source and glass gratings.

What is a sentence using the word principle?

He made the decision based on forethought and principle.

How do you write a sentence using the word principle?

Ummm..... " I had to go to the Principle's office today ".

What is the principle of a periscope?

A periscope works on the principle of reflection of light. It uses mirrors to redirect light so that objects outside the direct line of sight can be seen. By using multiple mirrors at specific angles, a periscope allows users to view objects from a concealed or obscured position.

What I a sentence using both principal and principle?

The principal of the school emphasized the importance of honesty as a guiding principle for all students.

What does it mean to write a reflection on a book using specific examples?

To write a reflection on a book using specific examples means to analyze and discuss particular instances or quotes from the book that impacted you or stood out. By incorporating these examples into your reflection, you provide concrete evidence to support your thoughts and opinions about the book and deepen your analysis of its themes, characters, and overall impact.

How did workers get the layers of stone in place?

By using the principle of the lever.

How can you improve your agility using the FITT principle?

That is Fitness Log

How do you lift heavy objects efficiently?

By using the principle of levers.

Another sentence using the word principle?

The word principle means a basic belief, truth, natural law or source from which something proceeds. Therefore, acceptable sentences could be:The principle of gravity dictates that when I release this book, it will fall to the floor.As a man of high principles, the Governor would not accept a bribe.