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That is the principle of a sextant.

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Q: Measuring the difference in height between two points using a tilting level?
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Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,Put some liquid in the measuring cylinder - to a height that is greater than the height of the pebble. Measure the level of the liquid. Then add the pebble into the cylinder and measure the level of the liquid again. the difference between the two levels is the volume of the pebble,

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What is the measuring difference between height and length?

Both height and length are linear measurements. The units of measure are the same. Height -- not heighth -- is synonymous with altitude, and can be thought of as the distance above the ground, as in the height of a skyscraper or the height of a tall tree (or any tree, for that matter).

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There is a big difference between height and elevation. Height is how tall something is. Elevation is how far above sea level something is.

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Yes, 12 inches a massive height difference between males

What is the difference in height between a giraffe and an ant?

A big difference

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What of an area is the difference in height between and lowest point?

If this is a horizontal area, it must be its height.

What tool can you use when measuring your height?

You can use a measuring tape, a ruler, or a yardstick to measure your height.

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The height of the base is part of the triangle and the height of the prism is the height of the rectangle