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The eye that stinks vs The eye that winks=== The Browneye

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Q: E equals h x nu is energy of light is proportion to what?
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You cant figure out what lambda equals when given nu.. v3.2 1012 s-1?

Lambda is equal to the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8) divided by the velocity of the wave.

What does the planck's equation e equals h x nu state?

The Planck's equation, E = h x ν, relates energy (E) to frequency (ν) in quantum physics. "h" is the Planck constant, a fundamental physical constant that links the energy of a photon with its frequency. This equation shows the quantized nature of energy in the form of photons.

What is the chemical symbol for light?

Light does not have a chemical symbol. Light is not a chemical element. It is not even a form of matter: it is energy Well but if it is used for condition it is represented by "hv"- [eight aphabet of english alphabet{h} and 13th letter of greek alphabet{v}called "nu"]

Which stadium has recorded the most fans ever?

i believe it is the new Cowboys stadium because more seats equals more people. nu-nu bear

Light is a particle called photon Why the velocities are different?

The speed of light in a vacuum is constant at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. However, the velocity of light can change depending on the medium it is traveling through, as it interacts with atoms and molecules. This can result in a difference in velocity when light travels through different substances.

How the wavelengths of light emitted by an atom provide information about electron energy levels?

The wavelengths of light emitted by an atom correspond to the energy differences between electron energy levels. When an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon with a specific wavelength determined by the energy difference. This emitted wavelength can be used to identify the electron energy levels in an atom through spectroscopy.

what IS the du nu nu nu nu theme song?


When was Nu Alpha Nu created?

Nu Alpha Nu was created on 2006-09-11.

What is a Nu nu cheese squish?

a nu nu cheese squish is just an orange earplug!

When was Nu Skin Enterprises created?

Nu Skin Enterprises was created in 1984.

Can you convert wavelength into energy using only the equation c equals lamda times nu and planks equation If so How?

Yes, you can convert wavelength into energy using the equations c = λν and E = hν, where c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, ν is the frequency, E is the energy, and h is Planck's constant. First, you can calculate the frequency using ν = c/λ, and then find the energy using E = hν.

In dynasty warriors gundam 2 what charge shot is nu gundam's energy pyramid?

Charge Attack 6