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Q: End centered orthorhombic is bravais lattice but tetragonal is not.why?
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Is the side centered cube a bravais lattice?

No, the side-centered cube is not a Bravais lattice. Bravais lattices are categorized based on their symmetry properties, and the side-centered cube does not meet the criteria for Bravais lattice classification.

What is a Orthorhombic?

Orthorhombic is a term used in crystallography to describe a crystal system with three mutually perpendicular axes of different lengths. This system is characterized by having all angles between axes measuring 90 degrees, but the axis lengths can vary.

Why is there no face centered hexagonal lattice?

Simple reason - It violates the cubic symmetry. To see it from another perspective - Base centered cubic lattice is equivalent to a simple tetragonal lattice. Draw two unit cells adjacent to each other. Then connect the base center points to the corener points which are shared by these two unit cells. Then connect the two base centered point in each unit cell. Now you have a simple tetragonal lattice. Simple tetragonal lattice has one lattice point per unit cell compared to two lattice point per unit cell of base centered lattice. Always the lower lattice point lattice is considered for a given symmetry. Because of symmetry breaking, the symmetry of base centered cubic lattice is same as tetragonal lattice.

How many types of crystals present?

There are many types of crystals, with over 4,000 different mineral types known. These can be classified into categories based on their structure, composition, and properties. Some common types include quartz, diamond, and salt crystals.

What is space lattice?

Space lattice is a three-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal. Space lattice is also known as crystal lattice or Bravais lattice.

Why is the honey comb not a bravais lattice?

If you take a look at one segment of the honeycomb e.g. -<_>- you can see that lattice points at -o< and >o- segments do not have the same "neighbours". It is important to notice that both the arrangement and orientation have to be the same at any point in Bravais lattice. For more detail see Ashcroft - Solid State Physics (pg. 64).

Crystal systems differ?

Crystal systems differ based on the arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice. There are seven crystal systems: cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, hexagonal, and rhombohedral. Each system has unique geometric properties that define the shape of the crystals formed.

Are minerals that have particles arranged in a diamond or crystal pattern?

Atoms within a mineral are arranged into an orderly geometric spatial arrangement known as crystal structure. There are 14 basic crystal lattices (refered to as the Bravais lattices) which fit into one of 7 crystal system (triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral, hexagonal and cubic) and all observed minerals fit into one crystal lattice and one crystal system. Diamond on the other hand is an allotrope of carbon arranged into an isometric hexoctahedral (Cubic-type) crystal system.

What are the seven crystal shapes?

The seven crystal shapes are cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, trigonal, monoclinic, and triclinic. These shapes are defined by the arrangement of atoms or molecules within the crystal lattice. Each shape has unique characteristics and properties.

Is structure of solid iodine cubic or orthorhombic?

The structure of solid iodine is orthorhombic, which means its unit cell has three unequal axes perpendicular to each other. The crystals of solid iodine have a layered structure held together by weak van der Waals forces.

Bravais lattice structure of diamond and zinc blend?

According to Wikipedia: The mineral sphalerite... "crystallizes in the cubic crystal system. In the crystal structure, zinc and sulfur atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated. The structure is closely related to the structure of diamond." You can read more about Bravais lattaice by following the link, below.

What does the structure look like with NaCl?

It is a face-centered cubic lattice.