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Euclid proved that it is impossible to find the "largest prime number," because if you take the largest known Prime number, add 1 to the product of all the primes up to and including it, you will get another prime number. Euclid's proof for this theorem is generally accepted as one of the "classic" proofs because of its conciseness and clarity. Millions of prime numbers are known to exist, and more are being added by mathematicians and computer scientists. Mathematicians since Euclid have attempted without success to find a pattern to the sequence of prime numbers.

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Q: Euclid's contribution in the field of geometry?
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Euclids contrubution towards mathematic?

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His mathematical books called Elements. His work on geometry, particularly his famous axioms.

Contribution of euclid in geometry?

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I like geometry. It gives me pleasure in my life. how about you.

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The names of Euclid's elements?

i think that euclids elements were everything we know about geometry and that we will soon know a lot more about this subject because we are finding new things every day and soon someone will find out something new about geometry